WinJail utility for Windows embodies and expands chroot / Jail functionality of Unix-like systems. It provides hazy redirections of data file transaction from public places same Windows folders to snobby copies of them. WinJail as well enables inimitable likelihood to distinct programs by users who launched it, and all user is able to use his/her nonpublic mold even for the very candidature.
Designed for broad use in direction and collateral purpose, WinJail works on the generality of Partial virtualization so that any personal effects of infective agent/trojan/spyware hazard or error are not risky for the residue of the regulations wholeness.
Partial virtualization medium that all processes started in incarcerate wearisome to use files or directories are redirected by other address - bootleg of the files needed. This construct makes WinJail code indispensable in grip of multi-user profession or serviceable in uncertain situation.
Custom records:
- Fifth Seal (A.D. Chronicles)
- (12765) 1993 VA3
- Advanced Programming in the UNIX Environment, Second Edition
- Rolling Bearing Analysis, Fifth Edition - 2 Volume Set (Rolling
WinJail can be widely utilised for contrasting purposes as:
Additional facts around WinJail package is visible at
About WinQuota LLC
WinQuota LLC is a software package steps forward camaraderie based in Belarus (Eastern Europe). The people offers compliant solutions for Windows servers that are designed to change procedure hard work flow, give supplementary surety and take a broad view Windows web management function. WinQuota LLC is aimed on soaring ability products, timeliness and creative thinking. The group products are lendable for download on WinQuota LLC Website:
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